Author’s Note

I did not want to write at all. It is Monday and I have absolutely no fucking desire to type this out. We have a super busy two days at work, which makes the three days I have outside of that to get the article out. This hybrid schedule is my favorite but writing and researching sucks ass, I also struggled really hard to think of article titles this week. For something titled ‘Right Place, Right Time’ I could not think of a damn article name that rhymed. 

I wanted to write about app breakdowns, protest movements, and positivity even in a deep red state. I literally could not think of a positive thing in the world though. Climate change caused a cold snap and it made my inspiration disappear like it was Thanos. I wanted to write seven articles this week, but seven topics was a big ask.

I got six instead and I’m proud of all of them. I joined the 50501 Youtube live and one of their speakers, Linda from MPower Change, talked about taking breaks. As someone who has anxiety and feels like if I take a day off the word will implode, you don’t have to go cold turkey.  You can do just a little, or just enough to keep the raft floating. 

I am currently helping with a lot of movements and gaining new information as a young activist. I am so destined like everyone to make mistakes. Linda also mentioned mistakes will be made and we should lead with best intentions, which guided me to admit a few of my own mistakes. I am typically a leader in my office spaces or friend groups, but in the past year I have really felt a shift. I have brought myself into a space I have never been before, and I am like a fish out of water. I personally credit this to a few things. When I moved into my first apartment I was living alone, and at the same time decontrusting my religion. I was questioning things I never thought before for the first time in forever.

I grew up like many of us with siblings meaning there was always noise. When I moved out for the first time, I finally had quiet. I got to listen to myself and my own intuition. When I let myself sit in silence and open my heart and mind, the divine grabbed me by my ears. It knew I could be a lot more than what I thought I was, and I feel she helped me realize it. So many of us have this same feeling and no matter what the deities name. Something grabs us all from the hopelessness we feel and pulls us to love. I have said the wrong things, sent misinformation by accident, and probably said the wrong thing completely. 

One big thing that I felt needed to lead this week is love. There has been a lot of misinformation from the second lady, and bad actors in grassroots. While I do not know these people so I can’t say they had good intentions, I can say 50501 has the best kinds.I do know there is a good energy that connects all of us, and it leads with love and forgiveness to your fellow man. It is an easy thing to say but not easy to practice. At this time, I'm trying. The same as all of you, be kind to yourself and others.

Viva La Revolution