Health by Apollo

This is my witchy piece so if this type of thing makes you uncomfortable then please feel free to pass it. Some or all of you may know I believe in multiple Gods, deities, and Goddess that can help us if we ask. Recently I got my wisdom teeth removed, as per my hiatus. I was terrified but I looked to Lord Hermes and Lord Apollo and had the best possible experience.

I personally find the Gods wherever and whenever I can, because that works for me. It can be taken to extremes but in the right way it can truly help relieve anxiety for some. While I was driving to my driver’s house, I was blinded by the sun. I remember being sightly annoyed but relived that I didn’t feel alone. I felt better as I sang my meditation songs and continued on my way to the driver’s house. As we got to the office I  mumbled prayers to myself up until I was under the anesthesia. I requested a female surgeon but got an entire female team.  This was more than I could have dreamed to asked for but I was just grateful. I went under and was out for exactly 24 minutes, including rolling me out.

When I got home I was convinced I would be in a terrible amount of pain. I was planning on resting at my families house for an extra full day, to let all the anestia wear off. By dinner time most of my numbing wore off and I was able to eat some light soft foods. The next day I went back to my house and as long as I kept on my pain meds I was fine. I used the correct mouthwash, didn’t brush the sockets, and take my meds as prescribed. The pain is manageable way more so than I thought before.

I went in afraid of so many outcomes and I got the best one possible. You can think ‘well that’s standard practice’ but in a world where every outcome is possible, I feel blessed to have the best one. I am anticipating a speedy recovery and to be back on the activism scene as soon as possible…..even though I never really left it.