Cat Corner 

Hydra Hot Tips

1. When you want your mom to pay attention to you, just sit on her computer keyboard. This will mess with the sound and settings. 

2. When mom complains about the black fur remind her she wanted a black cat. 

3. Our mom will hate boy moms until she has a boy cat. 

4. Ice cubes are the coolest toy ever. They glide over carpet and evaporate when we get bored of them.

5. Some toys disappear into this random room. Mom picks them up and puts them ‘away’ and then buys new ones. I don’t know why she doesn’t leave the old ones out.

6. I used to use wood pellets for cats….but then mom did the unspeakable. She bought another brand of my wood pellets. Naturally I changed to sharing a littler box with her roommate’s cat, she's okay.

7. I have a conspiracy theory that mom is giving me ‘calming flower’ as she calls it. It comes in a bag with a cat on it, but I know it's that real flower. She gives it to me before she goes to bed and I think its so she can sleep better. I think the flower thing is called “Catabais”.