Lesser Known Activism
Activism doesn’t always have to be this huge and attention grabbing. Through the groups I have been learning from, we will be covering quiet subversive, distributor, resting and creator.
The quiet subversive is where most of us will honestly fall. They are the silent fighters who focus on assisting the movement in less obvious ways. A great example of this provided was someone who would have hid slaves during the Underground Railroad. If you are this person then you need to act like a person during that time would act. Many activist encourage these motion movers to stay off social media as must as possible. In current times this may not be the way you show your solidarity, it may look like getting posters ready, helping women who maybe visiting your city, and sharing information. The most important part of this role is privacy and stealth when it comes to this type of activism.
The Distributor
This is Captain Confidence, Co-Cadet of Cockiness, and Senior Advisor of Sharing Info. This person needs to try and be at rallies and protest getting the word out! I find myself as this type of activist the most.
This newsletter/blog/website is a testament to my activism, and that of others. Leaders of activism groups can submit an authors inquiry and share their information. I also find myself sharing the GSUS QR Code everywhere I can. I do long walks and post the QR Code up with tape around my complex. I have the funds available so I had someone set up a Discord for my community. I am actively trying to share this information but in a day in age, where everything is shared, be careful about distributing to the wrong person.
Resting and Creating
While some of us find peace in creating, not everyone does and that is okay. Those who can do both are lucky, and can only be me sometimes.
At any point, if you are not actively spending money or making it in some way, then you are doing enough to protest. It is hard to not spend money or make money for someone else, and exist in the USA. Staying home and not working is detrimental to some people’s job, because they are not making money for the company. If they aren't making money for the company then, they are loosing it for the company.
If you are a creative spirit then let it pour into your activism! I personally enjoy this in word art on the back of printed QR Codes. You can design an image with a hidden message on the back and someone who understand will scan.
You can also bring this energy to protest signs. Sneak Discord QR codes into your protest posters or artwork.
In my experience, I found these white poster board for cheap. I painted them pink for preference and to stand out. Next I ‘tape’ laminated the QR Codes from the GSUS, especially the bigger ones. I then wrote ‘General Population, General Strike’ in white paint, above the modge podge (hot glued) ‘tape’ laminated QR Code. Now I can post those anywhere that is public property and have someone see them. Please consider churches, coffee shops, community centers, and parks.
Source: Insta Go Green Save Green
Handle: gogreensanegreen