Right Theory

I have a few theories as to why it feels so helpless being in TN. In 2008 when Obama won the country saw a huge shift since such a progressive president won in a landslide. After that time the state was gerrymandered and not to benefit the people. It was meant to benefit the republican party and we are aware of it. 

In 2024 this was brought to court and the Federal court held up the gerrymandering. They believed that it was gerrymandered to benefit the Republican party and we are aware of it. This gerrymandering caused a congressional seat to cover Nashville, and one for Memphis. When we only have one shot at someone representing us in a house or senate position, we lose the illusion of choice we had previously. Now only one candidate has to win the popular vote, which isn’t hard when you can follow the MAGA train. 

This as many things disproportionately harms people of color. Since Tennessee has a non-white population that “ranges between 16% to 19%”, only one congressional district must be sectioned for them. The state follows the basic requirement for the majority-minority law.

We tried to fight before but were shot down, even with help of the NAACP. The next time we have a chance to fight this will be in 2032. At this time our population trend indicates that our population will grow, so we can get a 10th U.S Senate seat. This shift could help balance out the political suppression we have seen. You’re not crazy this was set up for you to fail, but you don’t have to rely on it.

This is why we are building a resistance. This is why we are fighting for our voices to be heard, because we are actively being suppressed. The United States government has determined it was legal, as long as it was political. We missed the opportunity to get ahead of this because we didn’t know it was coming. Now it is here and we need to adjust our strategies to fix the issue.