Where To Start

It depends on who you ask, but with grassroots groups coming into play, what do we focus on first? It will depend for each individual but I would like to throw my hat in the ring. I always advocate for abortion rights first and foremost. When men decided to play God it made their counterparts no longer equals but incubators.

I made a pretty big claim there, lets unpack it. We are letting lawmakers play Divne intervention with lives of people that don’t know. Lawmakers in Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky have all decided they know better than doctors. I understand this is how the world is now, but this wasn’t the case less than 4 years ago. Four years ago I was a freshman in high school who was afraid of a lot of things. To put it simply, when we start dissecting autonomy the cutting never ends. What is to stop them from using men for forced labor? Required military service?

The problem is with this power they never think of how it will end. The power swells but what happens when you deplete the Earth of resources? What happens when you work every person so hard, you have no more workers? In order to prevent where most of our minds go with those questions, we have to work to prevent it. The obvious awnser is that you need to make life better for the child. If you give an incentive to have children then people will raise that goal. Improving life for the child will improve the life of all citizens, because that child is a citizen.

We are one of the last developed nations to not have universal healthcare. We are just moving backwards from the development, we already made. This backward changes are because a certain group of people are scared of progress, they can’t control. In my brain oligarchy, free capitalistic market, and  control go hand in hand & hand. Oligarchs need to control the “free” market in order to keep people in order. We all know how many major corporations really own most of the shelves. It has gotten to the point many consumers feel like they don’t truly have a lot of options. This is part of the reason many people are deciding to give themselves back the choice.

Building up community, finding alternatives, and using our dollar wisely we can take back the power. This does not need to be violent because the ‘Rule of Law’ is in place. This is a bold statement and not everyone would agree with it, however here is my argument. Most people, hopefully, are waking up to class conscious. We are all seeing how far the gap is between the 1% and the 99% and 99% is more aware. I may be naive but with the right de-escalation techniques, this may never become physical.

We are reaching a point where our attention and data is worth more than gold, because it tells the fair market what to sell you. It makes it easy for the big companies to stay being big companies. If we shift then they have to respond in order to keep up the system, they set up. The top 1% wants us to panic and believe we have no choice in our dollar, but remember there are more of us than them.