Who Organizes Best?

You’ve heard of the Best Dressed List, but late stage capitalism brings you: Best Activism & Events

It is hard right now to see through ‘misinformation’ and what groups may not be the safest. I have had limited experience in Discord or activism, so take these with a grain of salt. I have found Reddit is a decent place to get information but Discord seems a bit more immediate. In any sense the best method is to organize there, and do PEACEFUL action in person. 

These groups will fall into a 1 to 5 category since I have half the experience of someone who would know 10 groups. There will be pros and cons to every group but mainly meant for constructive criticism. I saved the worst one for last as it was a fail, but good to know how to fix it.

3 Democratic Party Chapter

The best advice anyone can provide is to first try locally! Try joining your local democratic chapter, if you feel safe doing such. I attempted to join the one in my area and I never heard anything. If you are comfortable, I implore you to try but If not there are other options listed here. 

5 Mayhem Market (https://mayhem.my/ )

I honestly love this one for the most part. Everyone in there is respectful and makes just enough small talk to be respectful of everyone’s job. 

Pros: Their website has a TON of products and the discord owner has a channel for plans for the future. He seems very understanding and wants to expand the services provided while building community. The seller’s websites are listed on each listing, in case you want to buy directly from the merchant. 

Cons: I don’t know if I am just incredibly un-tech savvy but I couldn’t find their damn website. I literally don’t understand it either. I haven’t made a purchase yet, but when I do it will be written about in here!

5 - United States Global Strike 

Again I really like this one, as it was referenced in the Sit Ins article. (If you’re skipping around articles though…. it was not mentioned.)

Pros: This group doesn’t have one ‘leader’ and shares information freely, so far so good. I read through their welcome packet and I think their demands are reasonable. I enjoyed how they explained their organization method. They also have information on how to start a local chapter.

Cons: Everyone got an Achilles heel! In this regard, I can’t get in contact with them as well. This meaning simpy “leadership” or at least my local leader. Many of their local chapters are on Meta-Based apps. That throws me off slightly, because it doesn’t seem like many of them have alternative socials. I don’t see a bluesky for a lot of local chapters or any subreddits. I emailed them and at the time of writing this article to get more info, currently have not heard back yet. I will notate though it has been only 2 business days… so there's hope!

4 - 2/8/25 We. Will. Defy

I created the original infographic for this event so I am super biased. This movement was made to replace the previous one. It is on a weekend so it may be easier to make it.

Pros: This is overly simplified because that is how this will be successful. Go to your capital, 10am in your respective time zone, and be loud. If you want more information, check the local Discord or Reddit. This way we are all getting the information from the semi-same places

Cons: I’m not sure but I also know those two platforms aren’t always reliable. It’s hard to find a platform that wouldn’t have a lot of infighting, which isn’t helpful. At this time from what I understand, this is the best option. 

3 - (50501) 50 States, 50 Capitals, 1 Day

This was a bit of a train wreck but it’s important to note why it happeneed! 

Pros: The date was a great idea just the day it fell on was not ideal. The movement was meant to protest on 02/05/2025 to protest Project 2025, which again is a great theory! I think on another date it could be a good movement 

Cons: It got messy and infiltrated. People started suggesting to bring weapons and harm others. Nobody wants that, especially because that's a felony. These infiltrators also tried to get people to pigeon-hole on a certain date. I applaud the community members who worked to get this figured out and cancelled