Right Placement
When we talk about the right place at the right time, we would be remiss if we did not take a deep look at the different signs throughout the year. These next few years are going to be insane and hopefully this can offer some solace.
Aries- You guys are about to go through it and all I can offer is my condolences. Since Neptune will be in your sign for the first time in fourteen years, you may feel some changes. Neptune is all about self growth, actualization, and self discovery. In my experience your best deity to ask for help is Goddess Hecate! She is a deity for witches or those at a crossroads who need guidance. Don’t beat yourself up for having to take extra time to process, but give yourself the time!
Taurus- It is a great year to be born April 20th-May 20th because this is all about celebrating! You will be shifting into Gemini which will make you more determined and outspoken. This is all part of a cosmic plan, since 2018 Uranus has been in your sign. If you want a recommendation, I’d ask Zeus for help. No other deity leads Olympus like he does, or did…? This planet is all about innovation and realization, so now it is time to own every second of this new life you have created.
Gemini (Dot)- My sweet roommate is one! Anyway, you should totally be at the front line of every protest babe. You are absolutely done with systems and people that do not serve you. You remember Uranus, well they have entered your sign on a wrecking ball. You are on the brink of breakthroughs and change for yourself and your community. Do not let anxiety get in the way, or any self doubt!
Cancer(Trixie)- As a Scorpio, call me. As a sign though we need to talk about the bumps you had in the beginning. I know you guys are usually more sensitive so when I say bumpy, don’t get nervous. Bumpy can mean anything from a papercut to a horrible breakup. I know January…. and possibly every month until June may be rough! In June Jupiter arrives in your sign and as summer is red hot, so is she! This planet brings so much energy and revitalization to your sign. This planet brings blessings and abundance in every way possible, so let it work for you and soak up that Jupiter juice.
Leo- You literally have always had things work out for you, so nothing new. Leo is what I like to call the head of the lion, and I’ll be honest not a huge fan all the time. I knew the two twins who were leos, and I mean text book, one was incredibly cocky while the other was confident instead. It was my first experience seeing how zodiacs, even just a few minutes apart can be so different. Neptune and Saturn head into Aries which is all about self growth and expression. You may find yourself attracted to new styles or different ways to wear things, explore it! Your birthday this year will be extra charged with Uranus and Neptune conjunction right after brat summer. Your post-birthday time may be your best yet.
Virgo- For the past 14 years Neptune has been rotating through Pisces, acting as your biggest opp. This opposite passage has caused you to deepen your spirituality, while making important relationships feel fuzzy. You may have felt more connected inward then outward to your own community. You are going to have to release as much of that perfectionism as you possibly can, because it will not serve you! We are going into a presidency of confusion, fear, and an absolute mess. You can not expect perfection from a situation you were not meant to thrive in. Take this year to focus on the essentials and what matters to you. These last few years have been extra hard so give your brain, soul, and heart some time to rest up properly. You may find yourself more emotionally available and open to connections.
Libra (Zoey)- My literal soul sister Zoey is a huge Libra, so this year she is gonna need some support. Libra’s go through it with the changes from Neptune moving to Aries, Saturn moving into Aries, and let's add a Venus retrograde just to make it fun. I don’t know who you guys pissed off, but the Scorpios did not do it! You will deepen friendships and relationships during this season, but you will also counterbalance. You will have to decide what you can give and what you could benefit from. You will have to leave what no longer serves you and I’d do it quickly.
Sagittarius- I have a coworker who is a proud Sag, and nothing is wrong with that. She thinks they are better than Scorpios but you can’t be funny and correct all the time. This will be a super emotional year for you guys so buckle up! Your planetary ruler Jupiter is sliding into Cancer’s second base, so you feel the need to deepen connections. At the exact same time, Uranus will enter Gemini which is your opposite sign. This may make you excited for new adventures, critical of personal relationships, and ready for an unconventional path.
Scorpio (obviously the best)- Yes I am a Valentines day baby, almost to the day, we are never seaking of it again. Pluto set into Aqurius so our power is high! You may even start a revolution… This year will be examining ancestral roots, family, and foundation. This year for Scorpio can be categorized to one question, “Why are we the way we are?”. You’ll ask that about yourself, lawmakers, friends, and even family. When we lean into vulnerability (yes I know we hate that) and lead with love, we can feel more aligned and connected than ever.
Capricorn- Since Obama won the presidency, Pluto has been on your back like a debt collector. I can only apologize for the emotional damage, and give you a break this next year. As Pluto tears its way through Aqurius and leaves you alone, you will feel lighter and clearer headed than ever. This will continue to benefit you as Jupiter expansion flows into Cancer, this will help you build on your relationships. You will feel Jupiters positivity radiate through your romantic relationships and more things come to a close. This will be the year of commitments and connections, so do not be afraid and branch out!
Aquarius- You are the caterpillar before the butterfly, and caterpillar time is up! Since Pluto is in your sign to stay (until 2034) you are about to go through those changes. Capricorn just survived it and now it is your turn. You will have to do a lot of shadow work, self growth, and creativity.
Pisces- Since 2011 everything has been kinda bad huh? Yea we’re gonna fix it. Neptune is finally moving out of this sign since 2011, so you can breathe! You have done the self work for 14 years, so reap your reward. This is the year of eclipses that increase your north node, so embrace your new life. Embrace all the amazingness the divine has to offer you because you deserve it.
Please take what resonates and leave what doesn’t, as with everything on this blog. I am not a professional, just a curious person. May there be peace between us.